Czech English © 2002-17 by T.C.G.
Melancholy AY-Emulator skin |
Graphic: z00m
Download: 49 Kb
Nice skin by z00m for AY-Emulator.
Sample Tracker v2.0d |
MB-02 routines: z00m
Cool ideas: z00m
Program capabilities: sample music editor...
Min. requirements: ZX Spectrum 128k, disc interface MB-02
Download: MB-02 Image, TAP 343 Kb
Sample Tracker is quality music editor form CBM. Till now, it wasn't available in version for MB-02. Now, thanks to z00m, yes... :)
Disk Operation Manager for Desktop v1.2 |
MB-02 routines: Sweet, Shrek
Min. requirements: Didaktik Gama or ZX Spectrum 128k, disk interface MB-02
Download: MB-02 Image, TAP 124 Kb
Original Desktop by Proxima had badly solved management of files, so one day MTs and Sweet Factory decided to create program for manage files with comfort and some other capabilities. So they did. ...did, but for D40/80. When Shrek bought MB-02, this program was missing to him, so he decided to "port" it. As he had too much work on MBCommander, one of original authors - Sweet Factory - adopted this port from him. So now you can use it on MB-02 too... :) Archive doesn't contain only DOM, but DESKTOP and Czech manual too... You can manage files (activating DOM) by pressing EXTENDED MODE, SYMBOL SHIFT+k
RTC Patch v1.0 |
Code: Shrek
Idea: Hood
Program capabilities: Adding support for RTC in BS-DOS...
Min. requirements: ZX Spectrum 48k, disc interface MB-02 with RTC !!!
Download: MB-02 Image, TAP 3 Kb
After adding this patch into autoexec on your system diskette for MB-02, saving of files with actual time and date will work in BS-DOS. MB Commander support this great thing !!! Next versions we want to implement a whole new version of BS-DOS !!! In the picture is shown MB Commander after copying files with installed RTC Patch.
ChanAttr v1.0 |
Idea & Design & Code: Shrek
Program capabilities: Changing attributes, starting addresses, names, file types...
Min. requirements: ZX Spectrum 48k, disc interface MB-02
Download: MB-02 Image, TAP 13 Kb
This program Shrek did to get in BS-DOS. It was coded before MB Commander. Now it's a part of MB Commander, so don't expect a new version... :)
MB Commander v1.6 |
Code: Shrek
Some program parts: Tritol
Original concept: 8bit Company
Some cool ideas: Hood, Dron, Wixet
Program capabilities: view, edit, copy, move, delete, rename and many other functions...
Min. requirements: ZX Spectrum 48k, disc interface MB-02
Download: MB-02 Image, TAP 32 Kb
New in this version:
- fixed - estetical error in input box
- fixed - "unmarking" file after change panel
- fixed - bad cursor showing on empty disk
- fixed - runable on MB02+ with only 128KB SRAM
(Speccy 128KB needed for this)
- changed - totally new VIEW ! (press 3 on help.b file ;))
- changed - many things under the cover!
The only one file manager for disc interface MB-02. It was started by Tritol some years ago, but from temporal reasons, he blowed it up. After two years, when Shrek bought his MB-02 (spring 2002), he decide to finish it. He examined source codes for a month, since he understand how it works. Then he started to finish it and then first problems became. In Tritol's code was so many errors and badly soluted things, that Shrek had to rework 70% of code from scratch. So MB Commander is now Shrek's work.