Czech English © 2002-17 by T.C.G.
Party Worms |
Code, Graphics:: Fikee
Music: z00m and Gasman of Hooy-Program
Min. requirements: ZX Spectrum 48k
Download: D40/80 Image, TAP 44 Kb
Great conversion of famous game Dune 3 - Achtung Die Kurve from Amiga computer! If you don't know, what's going on, here is some rules: Every player (there are up 5) has a worm. Player must remain alive for how long he can (no crash into anything or anyone). It sounds easy, but it's not. :) If you think, that game is slow for you, try to "cheat" :D. Released at Forever Next 8-bit multiscene party.
Falldown Forever |
Code, Graphics: Fikee
Min. requirements: ZX Spectrum 48k
Download: D40/80 Image, TAP 9 Kb
One little game, which was written for The 2003 Minigame Competition's 1K compo. Game is conversion from TI-83.
Vladimira |
Code, Graphics: Fikee
Min. requirements: ZX Spectrum 48k
Download: D40/80 Image, TAP 26 Kb
Another game from that competition. This time, it's 4K compo RPG game!
Abe's Mission - Escape |
Code, Graphics, Music: Brothers
UnTRD, uni LOAD & SAVE system, ripping graphics, typing in Czech language: Sweet Factory of CI5
Translation to Czech, cracktro music: z00m
Translation and typing in English language, Cracktro code, final pack: Wixet
Bugfix: Zilog
Min. requirements: ZX Spectrum 128k
Download: MB-02 Image, D40/80 Image, TAP 249 Kb
This is a translated multilingual version of Russian game by Brothers. Czech, English and original Russian languages are available in one pack! You certainly know Abe from PC or PSX games Oddworld-Abe Oddysee and Oddworld-Abe Exoddus. Brothers decided to made it for our Spectrum. It was made for competition "Your Game" organised by magazine ABZAC and it's free. We contacted Brothers with ask, if they want to put our translations in their original release, but with no response... So we decided to release it on our pages. Translated are texts and of course also graphics. What a pity, that in our final version was found bug. So, download bugfixed version here and please do not distribute old version, delete it... ENJOY OUR HARD WORK! :)
Dizzy X-Journey To Russia |
Code, Graphics, Music: Speed Code
Translation to English: Dmytro Gryshchenko
To 128k Speccy adapted: Wixet
Min. requirements: ZX Spectrum 48k
Download: MB-02 Image, D40/80 Image, TAP 137 Kb
This is great Russian Dizzy sequel translated to ENGLISH language by DMYTRO GRYSHCHENKO! As he released it in version for Speccy 48k only, Wixet decided to adapt it to Speccy 128k with 128k data from original Russian game. So now, game works on Speccy 128k with music and nice end outro...
Podraz 3 (The Stig 3) |
Idea & Design & Code: Fuxoft
Translation to English: Wixet & Bobble
Min. requirements: ZX Spectrum 48k
Download: MB-02 Image, D40/80 Image, TZX, TAP 51 Kb
This is a translated version of Czech game by Fuxoft, Podraz 3. One day, Wixet says to himself, that it's a pity, that people from other countries, other than Czech Republic or Slovak Republic can not play games in Czech or Slovak language, so he translated this game to English. Bobble helped him with corrections. Hope you like it. Remember it's 16 years old, so don't expect reality... :)