Party Worms and their comrades
| 01.04.2009 00:37
 Fikee finished his Dune 3 - Achtung Die Kurve! conversion. Game was released on Forever Next 8bit multiscene party. At this point, we also presents other older pieces. Their absence on our pages was alarming. :) They are Vladimira and Falldown Forever. Both were programmed for The 2003 Minigame Competition.
COMA finally released!
| 16.03.2008 20:28
 Long awaited "musicdisk" with z00m's music collection. We thought, that it will never see the light of the day, but impossible happens! It's here! Fresh'n'tasty! Enjoy! :) Download from "Demos" section.
z00m suxx
| 18.08.2005 20:40
z00m testified himself as sucker. It did not came to his mind to advice change of his homepage on TCG news portal. TCG gave him place on their server so what? z00m suxx.
z00m's personal pages moved
| 01.08.2005 09:29
I thought, that z00m is waiting with notice about moving of his personal pages till they are totally finished, but as I detect, informed about it already... Hm... Bad boy, bad boy!! :)
So, z00m's pages are now here ... :)
Forever HEX results
| 21.03.2005 03:43
z00m got great valuation and takes second place at music compo. Great! My try is little worse, but it's not the last one, so it's still ok... ;)
z00m's song will be probably available at his homepage and my screen will be at some gfx disc from Forever HEX... (you can also see it in new version of Tools128 for MDOS1/2/3 (divIDE or D40/80) by CI5 ;))
Koroptef's EKLHAFT Kentus Professional is here!
| 09.07.2004 03:15
We are shuconed
| 06.07.2004 22:42
Yes, ShuCon is in progress. Young Partridges are here and they roxx! Be prepared for shuconisation!
Shucon 2004 Invitation is finished...
| 19.05.2004 00:40
 Invitation to party Shucon 2004 (great party! :)) is available for download in demos section...
T.C.G. got a new coder!
| 03.03.2004 01:13
So finnaly we waited to see... :) He is a modest man, self-called Fikee and regardless he is representing his person as a bad coder, I think, that it will not be as bad as he suppose... You will see... :)
Dizzy X-Journey To Russia & FIX of Abe's Mission
| 03.12.2003 18:43
Last week, there was discovered English translation of Russian game Dizzy X-Journey To Russia on the Internet. But it was available only as version for Speccy 48k! So I decided to combine it with original Russian version... I took 128k pages from Russian version and added them to translated version... Here is the result. You can grab it in GAMES section. Enjoy nice in-game music and end outro...
WARNING: There was a bug in translation of Abe's Mission - Escape. It was found and fixed by Zilog. You can grab it in GAMES section too... We recommend !!!! :)
Coder wanted...
| 24.11.2003 19:27
From future needs for game developement and game translations, we at T.C.G. are announcing, that post of coder needs to be filled. If you want to help us to bring some next game translations and next new games to see the light of the day, don't be shy and please conact us... We need you! ;)
T.C.G. Team
Abe's Mission - Escape - translation finished
| 08.11.2003 00:06
 All right kids... Team of agents CI5 banded together with Total Computer Gang (;)) and result is Czech and English translation of Abe's Mission - Escape. So play yourself... :)
New translation on the way...
| 26.10.2003 22:51
Hello! Sweet Factory of CI5, z00m and Wixet are finishing translation of this great game, right now... It will be multilingual, so you will can choose from Russian, Czech or English language... Wait a week...
Millenium 2003 is over
| 23.09.2003 08:59
Yeah! And my AY module "Oh - AY Sexy Thing!" finished at 4th place in ZX Spectrum music compo. It's big success for us (TCG) to get into first five places on such party. Especially when preselection is done before competition. ;-)
Plkon 2003 "shortcutted"
| 14.09.2003 21:45
We're really sorry, but we must "shortcut" Plkon 2003. It will not start on Monday 22nd September, but on afternoon of 25th September - Thursday. Many people had freetime only on weekend, so whole week there will be near nobody... Really sorry...
Plkon 2003 - map of Železná Ruda
| 02.09.2003 18:42
Finally I got map of Železná Ruda. Link to it you will find in section "Life", right behind address of party...
Plkon 2003
| 23.08.2003 23:02
Hello people! After visiting Shucon, we told us, that it's a pity, that exists only one party of this kind, so we decided to make new party with name PLKON! More information in Life section!
Mozzila compatible
| 22.07.2003 09:06
After little and long time required changes, pages of T.C.G. are now browsable under Mozilla browser. HTML tag IFRAME was removed, because of wrong usage, which had an effect of blank page on Mozilla and others browsers.
New version of MBC 1.6 and nice skin Melancholy!
| 31.03.2003 22:03
 MBCommander v1.6:
- fixed - estetical error in input box - fixed - "unmarking" file after change panel - fixed - bad cursor showing on empty disk - fixed - runable on MB02+ with only 128KB SRAM (Speccy 128KB needed for this) - changed - totally new VIEW ! (press 3 on help.b file ;)) - changed - many things under the cover!
Nice skin by z00m for AY-Emulator!
New member of T.C.G.!
| 21.01.2003 18:17
 So, welcome CORNHOLIO !
New version of MBCommander 1.5!
| 21.01.2003 18:12
 What's new is in Tools section, so look for it and download it! ;)
MBCommander v1.4
| 04.01.2003 21:57
New version is available in "Tools" section...
Merry Christmas and HNY...
| 24.12.2002 17:44
Big changes at T.C.G. !
First the bad news: Shrek left T.C.G.... :( Good news: After mutual deal, you will still find new versions of MBCommander on official T.C.G. pages - so here!
And now the gifts:
- MB-02 port of Sample Tracker v2.0d (a great sample music editor now works with MB-02 - wow) - z00m - MB-02 port of Disk Operation Manager for Desktop aka DOM (program for better managing of files in Desktop - whole Desktop available in archive too, so you can use it without downloading Desktop somewhere... :)) - Sweet Factory & Shrek - New version of MBCommander - 1.3d - Shrek
I hope, that this are a good gifts to you... :)
Bye now...
MB Commander v1.3
| 25.11.2002 14:45
Fixed some bugs and one new thing added...
MB Commander v1.2
| 22.11.2002 14:37
Next version of MB Commander is on the world! This version have faster copying. Also one little bug was fixed. This bug sometimes spawned hidding cursor...
MB Commander v1.1b - fix
| 13.11.2002 16:15
In MB Commander v1.1 was found error, which preclude to start it on real Speccies. Program was developed in RealSpec emulator, which, as we detected now, don't emulate software reset of MB-02 disk interface...
New version of MB Commander...
| 08.11.2002 18:52
New in this version: - added - runable on ZX Spectrum 48k !!! - added - key auto-repeat pause - fixed - now prints only printable characters - added - new coolest system info
Download it in Tools section ! :)
T.C.G. welcomes new member !
| 30.10.2002 19:15
It's z00m - musician ! :)
So now, only graphicians are missing for starting some great project (game)... :(
Many changes in section In-progress...
| 30.10.2002 18:48
Wixet, Shrek
Shrek is porting DOM for Desktop on MB-02. He also work on MBCommander v1.1. Wixet is translating Skool Daze into Czech language...
MB Commander v1.0 completed
| 22.10.2002 19:42
 Reason why so long time was first version of MB Commander unavailable is problem with to programme quick and functional copying of files. This problem is not still solved, so whe decided to release version with functional but slow copying, as well as for your solace.
In next version will be:
- faster copying throught pages of MB-02 - executable on ZX Spectrum 48K - view of files will accept codes of enter - what will goes on our (your) minds... :)
Let's go download !!! :)
Podraz 3 translated to english !
| 02.10.2002 16:49
) Wixet with the help of English man Bobble, translated Czech game Podraz 3 into English. In translated English, it's now called Podraz 3 (The Stig 3). In the archive there are two versions of the game. Version for tape with special loader (try to load it and when main block is loading, stop tape for nice error message... :) ) and an universal version for anything (tape, disc... - just change first (Basic) block for your disc interface). This is in .TAP format. In the archive there are also two image files with pre-recorded game for MB-02 and D40/80... You can write it into your floppy disc with RealSpectrum emulator...
Let's Start... !!!
| 30.09.2002 15:18
So, welcome to homepage of T.C.G.! We hope, that you will like it, and that you will find many useful things here now & in future... :)